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#Action #Adventure #Animation #Comedy #Crime #Drama #Family #Fantasy #History #Horror #Mystery #Romance #Sci-Fi #Thriller #War #Western

Screenplay Cover Image for Laxus IV: Mortal>
Category: Feature
Logline: The LSS Presage's crew turns against itself when Lance Irion assumes command after a hostile double agent on board poisons Captain Kwan.
Screenplay Cover Image for The Boy In The Water>
Category: Short
Logline: A young police detective has another personality who has taken the form of his murdered twin. But what happens when this other personality wants to find his murderer?
Screenplay Cover Image for To Be Named>
Category: Feature
Logline: Horror fanatic Evie Carpenter and her friends become targets after a Scream obsessed serial killer decides to play with them. Can they survive? Can Evie perform her song at the music contest? More importantly can she love again?
Screenplay Cover Image for Camp Carnage>
Category: Feature
Logline: A teenage girl seeking closure after the loss of her sister falls for the notorious killer from her childhood summer camp.